Bread And User Experience There Is More Than Just Design

User Experience

User experience: more than a design

The user experience is a subject known to all in the digital sector, but perhaps still poorly regulated, as if one knew of its existence and importance, but it is mostly used to fill one’s mouth with a “pulling” neologism that can fascinate to the customer in front of you also because the UX is still a concept almost completely unknown among the layman, or the main end users.

Below is a partial definition readable on Wikipedia :

“User experience (better known as User Experience or UX ) means what a person feels when using a product, system, or service. The user experience concerns the experiential, affective aspects, the attribution of meaning and value connected to the possession of a product and to the interaction with it, but it also includes personal perceptions of aspects such as utility, simplicity of ‘use and efficiency of the system”. (keep on…)

The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) defines the user experience as “the perceptions and reactions of a user that derive from the use or expectation of use of a product, system or service.”

It is clear that the user experience has a subjective nature that encompasses a whole perceptive ecosystem made up of thoughts, sensations, memories, and above all, exquisitely intimate habits that an individual recognizes in a very short period of time that lasts just the time of go from vision to action. This perceptual whole explodes in front of a game, a question, a reading, or, in our specific case, a web interface.

We can find many other definitions of User Experience on the web, many of which are also intertwined with the definition of user experience design up to be mixed with the User Interface (UI), which – as is beautifully represented in a manifesto that I recommend download Qu i – is quite another thing.

All the definitions are more or less similar, and they all agree: when it comes to User Experience, we must not limit ourselves to the concept of design and/or graphic interface (UI).

Could the UX result from an exclusive graphic stylistic choice or a single functional aesthetic work?

Although this nature is clear, in the digital sector, the user experience (UX) is recognized and almost always assigned to a direct competence of the web designer. But will it be right to simplify everything with this attribution?

These are just a few questions that emerged during the course of our professional activity to better frame the User Experience:

If the user experience is a discipline born and regulated to ensure that a user is able to “touch the most subjective and emotional chords,” will a single web designer ever respond to the achievement of this goal?

Could the UX result from an exclusive graphic stylistic choice or a single functional aesthetic work?

Shouldn’t ad hoc case studies be created on the analysis and research of the behavior of the “personas” to establish their profile, tastes, interests, possible memories to be recalled through the interface, and the experience of use?

These questions led me to understand that UX must necessarily represent a shared subject between those who know and analyze the behaviors of the personas of reference, therefore the most hidden characteristics, the emotional references and the habits of use, and of course … the web designer (a good web designer).

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