4 Fundamental Metrics For your E-commerce (To Always Keep Monitored)
When we talk about metrics for Ecommerce, we often stop at the obvious features offered by Google Analytics, such as conversion rate, average receipt, and number of orders. In reality, if we really want to know the nature of an online shop and its consumers, we must go deeper. This will allow us to set […]
Activate Google Analytics Advanced Ecommerce And Change The Music!
As we have said several times, you must rely on solid numerical data to increase conversions. So the first thing to do is to monitor all the activities that users perform on your e-commerce, from adding products to the cart to sending contact forms to clicking on product sheets. Until recently, to be able to […]
Guide To Creating A/B Testing With Optimizely
A/B testing is the one thing that separates opinion from science. You cannot know in advance what will work based on previous experiences because every single web page is unique: it speaks of a specific business and refers to a specific target of users. Which is better, the red button or the blue button? Do […]
Seven Collaboration Tools For The Workplace Of The Future
Workplace Of The Future: Companies’ demand for collaboration tools has increased dramatically in recent years – especially following the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the World Trade Index 2022, this trend is welcomed with enthusiasm, which sees 53% of people considering adopting this approach in the coming year. Complicit in this growth is undoubtedly hybrid work. […]
Digital Workspace: The Challenges Between Shadow IT And Consumerization
It is now a fact that the traditional workspace has evolved and has taken on a new connotation, transforming itself into a digital workspace. An important impetus towards this transformation indeed came from the need to adapt to the situation created following the pandemic; however, the process was already underway. Various realities were rethinking workspaces, […]
Building a Brand vs. Paid Acquisition: Which Is Best For Your Business?
The business world has gone through some serious transformations in the past decade. With the inclusion of Fintech, AI, and other new advancements, the world of branding and marketing has also changed. Businesses are deploying various business strategies to maximize reach and ROI. However, the main segmentation you’ll encounter is the choice between building a […]
Podcast: Talking About The Brand Generates Leads Of Value
Tell yourself to generate qualified leads. The dream of all companies? Tell yourself to generate qualified leads. And thus, having a direct relationship with your customers, an intimate relationship to maximize the presentation of the products and the recognition of the brand. Because, as they say, with the “podcast: telling the brand generates leads.” Utopia? […]
Digital Agency vs. Freelancer: Who Is The Better Choice?
Introduction If you have decided it’s time to invest in digital marketing, but if you are not sure which route to take, and confused about hiring a digital agency or a freelancer? Then no more worries. This blog will examine the pros and cons of hiring a digital agency versus a freelancer for your next […]