Social Selling: What It Is And Why Brands Need It
The business world’s rapid shift to the digital space has provided a new level of convenience for brands and consumers alike. And it shows. The Department of Commerce reports that e-commerce sales for 2020 were estimated at $791.7 billion. That’s a 32.4% increase from the previous year. But the switch to e-commerce didn’t just boost […]
Information Of Over 500 Million Facebook Users Was Leaked
According to a US media “Business Insider” report on the 4th, recently, the data of more than 500 million Facebook users was uploaded to a “low-level hacker forum”, which involved private information such as the user’s phone number and residential address. It is free to be accessed by people with basic data skills. The disclosure […]
Do Social Networks Spy On us?
Social Networks, When I was preparing this article for my intervention in the radio program, I remembered the episode of the Black Mirror series entitled Shut Up. I don’t know if you’ve seen it (spoiler eye). The protagonist is the victim of blackmail. Someone, through malicious software, has entered your computer and recorded your privacy. […]
Branding: The Corporate Brand Strategy With Which To Achieve Success
When it comes to branding, most people think of a corporate image, a symbol, some colours, and striking elements that remind one of a company, a product or a service. Certainly, a good image is in itself a good cover letter, as is also a piece of music or a character, but it is because […]
What Is A Full-Funnel Strategy For Facebook Ads, And Why Do You Need It?
You may have heard of the Inbound Marketing Funnel. But did you know that you can apply it in many more areas of your marketing plan? With the targeting capabilities that Facebook Ads offers, it’s a shame not to take advantage of it. So that this is not your case, below we detail what a […]
Tricks To Optimize A Landing Page On Social Networks
Indeed on more than one occasion, you wonder why your website does not receive more traffic. You worry about generating content at all times and promoting it through networks, but still the results are not as expected. Perhaps you have not stopped to think that your landing page in a social network is not fully […]