Not just efficiency: the combination of technology and business directly affects profits. Here are three hypotheses to consider. The relationship…
The war in Ukraine is showing, as never before, a new front of attack: cyberwar. A new way of approaching…
Corporate IT security is undoubtedly one of the key challenges of recent years, both for structural reasons and contingent reasons.…
With the growing adoption of cloud solutions, more and more organizations are wondering which is the best option for their…
Data Center Architecture: There is no doubt, in addition to people's health, Covid-19 has also had a major impact on…
Primary Storage: In the IT infrastructure of organizations, the storage component has strategic importance because it stores, takes charge of…
Passwordless: The use of passwords to access a system or service is a consolidated practice, but the use of this…
It is no news that data represents a key asset for companies, today even more important in supporting digital transformation…
The digital dimension in which companies operate today requires greater attention to IT security both due to the criticality of…
Data encryption is a fundamental element in corporate security, providing basic and strategic protection in case other barriers fail. The…