Category: Technology

The Best Robot Vacuums of 2021

One of the products that have revolutionized home cleaning management in recent years is robot vacuum cleaners. These wonderful devices combine the efficiency and precision of the latest advances in robotics with ergonomics and simplicity that turn useful and necessary into something even fun! We see which are the Best Robot Vacuums of 2021 But […]

How To Prepare For The Future Of AI For Sales?

Organizations and companies that have incorporated Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their systems and workflow have immensely thrived and saved a lot of time and money. In addition, AI has positively impacted several sectors, including sales. Artificial intelligence in sales is growing exponentially, making experts and salespeople rethink and transform certain sales operations to increase operational […]

Oppo releases demo videos of new wireless charging technology, you can lift the device to charge it (but up to 10 cm),

There are only expectations for wireless charging. It’s packed with sound near futures. It’s a magical level story a while ago that you can charge the battery by leaving it in place without inserting the charger one by one. Oppo’s demo video of wireless charger technology will accelerate your dreams and expectations. Because even if […]

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