How To Install, Configure And Implement AMP In WordPress
Have you ever wondered why some web pages take longer to load than others? If you haven’t asked yourself, take the test. Visit from your mobile a web page of a small company that you know (without AMP ) and then go to your favorite newspaper or blog, the load difference will be a few […]
How To Make A Call To Action Or Attractive Call To Action
Inbound Marketing has established itself as one of the techniques to reach our customers’ non intrusive way most used on the Internet. The main action that is carried out within Inbound Marketing is the generation of quality content, but one of the keys to this content that goes unnoticed by many is the call to […]
Home Robots And Homes Connected With 5G
5G, Every year I do journalistic coverage of the Mobile World Congress. Beyond the current situation in the world of mobiles, what really fascinates me is the current situation in the world of robotics. I remember on my last visit attending a gigantic pavilion where each stand presented a different domestic robot. Most were service […]
Blockchain Technology Could Boost The Global Economy By $ 1.7 Trillion By 2030
The study estimates that a tipping point will occur in 2025 with the beginning of mass adoption of Blockchain. China and the US will be the countries that benefit the most from this technology, with 440,000 and 407,000 million dollars, respectively. In Spain, it is estimated that its impact, in 2030, could be around 24,000 […]
Plagiarism|How To Protect My Website From Plagiarism?
Plagiarism, the web pages are a good way to promote products and services for businesses. Therefore, more and more people decide to use this tool and have a website. Even so, as a result of the mass creation of websites, plagiarism problems have begun to arise, since many times websites appear that are very similar […]
How To Improve Image Loading Speed In WordPress
image optimization: Did you know that 50% of users wait an average of three seconds for a web page to load? If the loading speed exceeds this time, the clients leave our page. Stay with us and discover why it is essential to take care of the WPO of your WordPress page, how you can […]
How To Register A Website In Google Analytics?
Google Analytics, one of the most outstanding doubts among all those that may arise when making a website and knowing if we are generating engagement is how to register a website in Google Analytics. We all know that the interactions of Internet users on websites generate data that is necessary to know if we are […]
How To Register A Website In Google Search Console
What is Google Search Console, and why is it important for a web page? Of all the functions of Google, it could be said that this is the one that helps us to know what it is that it indexes and how it does it on our website and also provides information on its positioning […]