Whatever the sector in which your company moves, surely you already know that without a good SEO positioning, it is currently like being invisible. The tourism companies are not spared, and the high number of competitors forces them to position itself among the best if you do not want to disappear, and the high level of competition in this sector. If you want to be number one, here you have different SEO keys in the tourism sector.
90% of users use the Internet to plan some element of their trip. So without a doubt, a website is the best showcase for a travel agency, but positioning it can sometimes be a real headache due to a large amount of competition that exists. So heed the tips to improve your SEO or organic positioning in tourism.
Keys And SEO Factors In The Tourism Sector
Do Not Forget The Mobile.
The users do not rub off on holiday mobile or actually use more plans to seek entertainment, restaurants, routes, or curiosities of the city you visit. It is very important to bear in mind that smartphones have limitations: the screen is smaller, the loading speed is slower, and there are no external accessories such as the mouse or keyboard.
By adapting the website to a Responsive Web Design, we will notably improve the loading time, the usability of the page at the user level and therefore the bounce rate, the time spent and the number of visits will decrease. This implies that if the requirement to improve the user experience is met and we offer what they want, to a certain extent, we will have more options to be better positioned in the SERPs (search results page).
Take Advantage Of Local SEO
The Local SEO in a tour company, especially if it offers its services in a particular city is vital. How to do it is quite simple; you must first sign up for Google My Business. In this way, users can find you easier from local searches, and also, your customers can leave reviews, and the more positive reviews, the better positioning they will have.
In addition, its use generates trust towards users, since when searching for you in Google our agency appears as a physical place, you can add photos, telephone, address, hours, website, etc.
Pay Attention To Content With A Blog.
Content is very important in any strategy, but in the tourism sector, we could say even more. In addition to helping us to position our website, we offer the user quality content that shows that we are a benchmark, and therefore, the service is excellent and personalized.
And what can we talk about in a travel blog? The answer is quite simple, put yourself in the shoes of the tourist, what would you look for? When you are clear, answer these questions by focusing your content strategy on your products.
Play Your Keywords Right
Have you already decided to write a blog? Now the hardest part comes into play: positioning. But calm down, it is not an impossible mission if you play your cards well, logically trying to position by Keywords how “travel”, “travel”, “hotel” or “tourism” we are not going to achieve it since they are very competitive head tail keywords. But there are less general middle or long-tail keywords, and therefore with less competition, that you can bet on, such as “travelling to Spain in summer with children” or “hotels in Tarragona near the beach”.
The best advice is to think about what a tourist would ask when arriving at their destination. Also, including the name of the city can help a lot in positioning and attracting quality traffic. If we want to position the best thing is to get down to work and carry out a study of keywords or keyword research.
Use Quality Links; Popularity Is Essential.
As we have commented before, to be a reference you have to share good content, links are also important for SEO. In tourism, there are multiple links of interest that do not have to be competitive and can complement the tourist service you offer-for example, public transport services, tourist offices, museums, etc.
At the same time, try to get linked to increasing your popularity. For Google, a website to which many external links or backlinks point, referencing the quality of its content is synonymous with credibility, so it will significantly improve your positioning in the rankings.
Social Networks Are A Fundamental Tool.
What good is it to have excellent content if nobody sees it by not spreading it? No one doubts that social networks are a very important factor to the position because although it does not influence directly, it does have a lot of importance indirectly since having a presence on these platforms allows you to attract many potential customers to your website by sharing content and offers.
Social networks also allow users to echo our agency and recommend us to their friends and acquaintances, commonly known as word of mouth. To do this, be active, invite your followers to participate and share very attractive content and offers.
Get Trained In Tourism Marketing.
Surely you have already realized that the tourism sector is one of the fastest-growing years after the year in demand for labour supply, according to the latest Labor Force Survey (EPA) of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) jobs in hospitality and tourism grew 11% in the last year.
Also, the rise of new technologies, as we have seen, has changed the model within the sector, as indicated by the latest Adecco report, which indicates that in 2021 40% of professionals in the tourism sector will need qualified training in the sector to perform their functions.
Also Read : Guest Blogging The Essential Technique To Grow In SEO