In an interesting press contribution, which we report, Axis Communications focuses on the fact that many technology trends of this 2022 are but the reflection of the desire to create a trustworthy technological ecosystem. Technological evolution risks making useless races forward if trust and social value are not built in parallel in relation to the use that can and will be made of the same hi-tech. Let’s just think of artificial intelligence and the demonization campaigns – not always fully motivated – to which this technology is not infrequently subjected.
“Whatever the sphere in which we turn our gaze, what remains crucial is the need to pool the current pace of technological innovation with a parallel evolution in the construction of trust concerning the use that is made of these technologies. Today, more than ever, individuals, organizations, and legislators desire to ensure that new technologies are developed, produced, used, and secured in ways that we can legitimately consider positive. We don’t believe 2022 will turn out to be any different in this respect.
For us, this means continuing to work to realize our vision of a smarter and safer world for all.
As we move into 2022, it is interesting to note that many of the technology trends we anticipate this year are manifestations of a willingness to build a trustworthy technology ecosystem.
6 technological trends
1 Universal connection through hybrid environments
Each architecture is now offered tailor-made for each customer and requires consideration of both internal resources and policies, as well as external factors such as local and international regulations. The choice of which environment and architecture the end users should use does not depend on the vendors: our task is to provide them with the tools and flexibility necessary to choose the best solution for their peculiarities.
2 Cybersecurity born from a healthy skepticism
When it comes to cybersecurity, being skeptical means acting with appropriate caution. The billions of connections that exist today between devices, networks, and data centers have made the concept of “perimeter security” around every organization almost obsolete. The virtual walls that we have been used to consider for years have now become permeable, and this has led to the emergence of a new concept of security: zero-trust networks. Adopting a zero-trust network means ensuring that each security profile of each device and application connected to the network is evaluated at each subsequent connection. This approach has many significant implications for the video surveillance industry: Digitally signed firmware, regular software updates, encrypted data, and video and secure identities will become essential cyber health factors in the solutions offered to customers.
3 The importance of authenticating everything
It will become increasingly important to offer solutions to ensure the genuineness of video surveillance beyond any reasonable doubt. The industry must join in a common initiative to standardize how video collected by surveillance cameras is authenticated, ideally based on open-source software.
4 Artificial intelligence is now widespread and accepted (if properly controlled)
Many might say that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a trend and that the genius of AI is now out of the limp. We are undoubtedly being exposed to different services based on it and deep learning every day. In this respect, our position remains the same: the technology itself should not be regulated, like its use cases. While we remain confident in the potential of AI and deep learning in video surveillance, we expect to see a growing focus on initiatives aimed at an ethical and bias-free implementation of Artificial Intelligence.
5 COVID-19 as a catalyst
The long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is manifesting itself in several ways. The pandemic has been a catalyst for non-contact (or reduced contact) technologies, some of which have now become the standard shared by all sectors, but it has also favored the use of intelligent video footage to ensure respect for distancing. And compliance with public health guidelines. In relation to the technology sector, the pandemic has also had consequences on the supply chain and has seen many organizations reflect on the ways in which they create their products and source the essential components for their realization.
The “connected” nature of everything has made the global shortage of semiconductors a significant problem for many industries, from consumer technology to automotive.
6 5G and its space
While much of the interest in 5G is due to anticipated improvements in network performance for consumer applications, one of the more interesting dimensions is that private 5G networks are emerging as an effective use case for this technology.
We believe these private 5G networks highlight the potential of video surveillance solutions in a large number of applications and can bring many benefits from a cybersecurity perspective. Certainly, if customers are building private 5G networks, video surveillance will need to be able to integrate with them without any problem. An area to keep an eye on.
Sustainability, the leitmotif
Sustainability can no longer be considered a trend. Today it must be an integral part of any of our activities:
- How we design and build products.
- How we guide our company.
- How our suppliers contribute to reducing the environmental impact through ethical and trustworthy operations.
Wherever a technological trend appears to offer an opportunity, it must be examined through the magnifying glass of the possibility of developing it and putting it on the market sustainably. From energy efficiency to the materials used (and reused) in a camera, from the place and methods of production and delivery to the ethical implications of new technologies and work practices, evaluating trends based on sustainability criteria is as fundamental as their recognition. 2022 will undoubtedly prove to be another fascinating year; a year not without challenges but capable of bringing significant opportunities “.
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