The Evolution Of The Internet Allows Everyone To Have a Website

The Evolution Of The Internet Allows Everyone To Have a Website

The Internet has evolved a lot since its beginnings; three decades have passed since the first web pages were made known, which consisted of simple white backgrounds with textual content and some links. However, today, there are endless tools that allow you to learn how to create a website from scratch where even beginners can develop their ideas more efficiently, allowing you to focus on the design.

Web page design for beginners

If you are just beginning to know the world of web development but are aware of the benefits and implications of having your own space on the Internet, we can tell you that you have two options when designing web pages: to start from scratch. Or make use of a ready-made template.

However, designing web pages from scratch is a very complex job that you can try with more experience. Currently, designing web pages requires the management of certain technologies, which has added a bit of complexity compared to the past since now it is not only necessary to have an attractive design for visitors, but it is also required to have certain performance, and its content is useful.

Web page design from scratch

As we already mentioned, it is the most complex way to design web pages; although it gives you the possibility of creating your page entirely to your liking, you must have great programming skills to control every aspect of your website. If you decide to go this route, we recommend tools like Adobe XD and Figma, among others. Although they will be very useful for creating an interactive prototype, they will not reduce the lines of code since you will have to program each aspect of your page.

Web page design with templates

It is undoubtedly the easiest option when we compare web page design from scratch; however, you will still have to work to create a good page. Currently, a wide variety of web creators provide templates created by professionals, as well as an endless number of open-source solutions, offering numerous basic functions that also include options for image editing and animation generation.

Another advantage of these web creators for page design is that they are perfect for beginners, and you do not need to be a professional to make changes to the design; they also offer support that will help you in case of problems. 

However, templates have some limitations when designing your website; in addition to the fact that the best templates usually generate costs, today, it is possible to find some open-source solutions with an endless number of templates that allow you to create your website at any time. Your taste, WordPress being the most used Content Management System.

3 Options for web page design without programming

Wix: the most used tool for creating web pages worldwide, has a free basic package, which allows you to create your page at no cost, as well as access a cloud; however, Wix is necessary to invest in one of his plans.

Weebly: the second most used tool, it allows you to create your website; it is really very easy to use and does not require much knowledge; it also has a free plan, as well as different packages with varied costs that fit the budget of its users.

GoDaddy Website Builder: Thanks to their great work in marketing, they have quickly positioned themselves in third place among the most used tools for web page design; it has an affordable cost and a fairly simple-to-use interface.

Best Content Managers for web page design

Although it is a little easier to use than designing web pages from scratch, it still maintains a certain level of complexity and can generate a cost; however, today, open source content managers have gained great popularity since they lower the certain level of sophistication and there are not as many limitations as you will surely find in some tools with templates.

Although there are countless tools of this type, below, we will only show you the two most used.

WordPress: the king in this sector since it dominates more than 50% of the market; since the rest is distributed in an infinite number of options, it is a very professional alternative, with a large number of plugins and functionalities and one of the best options for web page design.

Joomla: It is the tool that follows WordPress in the number of users worldwide; although it only dominates about 10% of the market, it allows the creation of websites with interactive and dynamic content. This makes it a good option if you want to try something beyond WordPress for web design.

Also Read : Your Website Doesn’t Have To Be For Everyone

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